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Вакцинация индеек

Rules of the introduction     
Approved by the Order №3
of General Director of the National Turkey Association
"National Turkey" of June 18, 2008

of admission to membership of the National Turkey Association
"National Turkey"

According to the Charter of the National Turkey Association "National Turkey" (hereafter referred to as the Association), the present regulations determine the main conditions, which are obligatory to be observed by a candidate to membership of the Association (hereafter referred to as the Applicant), procedure of admittance to membership of Association.

1. Any legal entity, having the right to be a member of the Association in accordance to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be admitted to the Association membership on condition of solidarity of this person with the Association activity objective and subject, of intention to take an active part in the Association's activity, of assistance in its charter activity.

2. A person, intended to be admitted to membership of the Association, addresses to the General Director of the Association with an application of his admission to the Association.

3. The application of admission to the Association should contain the following information:
- full name of the Applicant in compliance with constituent and registration documents;
- information on the main kinds of activity of the Applicant, on the territory of the activity carried out;
- application certifying the Applicant's conformity to the conditions of the Clause 1of the present Regulations;
- request of admission to the Association;
- the Applicant's legal address;
- contact information to be used by the Association to connect with the Applicant;
- list of enclosed documents;
- name, surname, middle name, position and information on credentials of the person, who signed the application, his signature and the seal of the Applicant.

4. The following documents should be enclosed to the application:
- legal entities register extract, certificate of the Applicant's registration as a legal entity or any other document certifying his status as a legal entity in compliance with legislation of the Applicant's incorporation country;
- copies of the documents, certifying credentials of the Applicant's representative who signed the application, attested by authorized official's signature and sealed by the Applicant.

In case of presented documents insufficiency for ascertainment of the Applicant's status as a legal entity or credentials of the person who signed the document, the General Director has the right to require additional documents.

5. The General Director is obliged, during ten days upon receiving of application, to take a decision:
- on convening of extraordinary General meeting of the Association's members (hereafter referred to as the Meeting) on condition that application conforms to the requirements of the present Regulations and of the Charter of the Association and the Applicant can be a member of the Association. Such decision should contain information about the Applicant, recommendations to his admission or to non-admission to the Association's members, about the place, the day and the time of the Meeting and registration of the Authorized representatives of the Association's members. The date of the Meeting should not be appointed later than three months upon filing of application;
- on refusal of convening of the Meeting, if the application does not conform to the requirements of the present Regulations and of the Charter of the Association or if the Applicant can not be a member of the Association. Decision on refusal of convening of the Meeting should contain the reasons of this refusal.

6. During ten-day period upon the date of the decision on convening the Meeting, notifications, containing the following information, should be sent to the Association's members and the Applicant:
- on the place, the day and the time of the Meeting and on registration of the Authorized representatives of the Association's members;
- agenda statement;
- information about the Applicant;
- recommendations to the Association's members about the Applicant's admission or non-admission to the Association's members.

7. Preparation and holding of the Meeting is performed by the General Director of the Association. Recordation of the Meeting is performed by the Secretary, appointed by the order of the General Director of the Association.

8. On the day of the Meeting, at a stated time, the Secretary commences registration of the Authorized representatives of the Association's members.

The Authorized representatives of the Association's members are obliged to pass to the Secretary the documents certifying their credentials, if they have not been presented to the Association before.

9. At a stated time the Chairman announces the opening of the Meeting. The Secretary reports on attendance of the Authorized representatives of the Association's members. The Chairman announces the presence of the quorum, determined by the Charter of the Association, and the Meeting authorization to take the decision on admission of a new member of the Association.

10. On condition of the quorum, the Chairman announces agenda questions, calls upon the Authorized representative of the Applicant, invites the Authorized representatives of the Association's members to vote.

11. Voting is performed by a show of hands.

12. Decision on admission of a new member of the Association is taken unanimously by all members o the Meeting.

13. The Secretary counts the votes. The Chairman announces the results of the agenda questions voting, whereupon he the end of the Meeting.

14. The General Director and the Secretary sign the record of the Meeting. Copies of the record are sent in a ten-day period to all the members of the Association, as well as to the Applicant if he was not admitted to the members of the Association. A notification of admission to the Association is sent to a new member of Association not later than the day following the day of the Meeting. A new member of the Association is awarded an Association's member diploma.

15. The Association carries out its members count by means of personal files and the Association's members register. The procedure of personal files forming and registration is determined by the General Director of the Association.
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